Florence Moffa


Personal and Family Information

Florence was born on 22 FEB 1911, the daughter of Michael Moffa and Maria Trongo. The place is not known.

She died on 28 JAN 1999 in Vineland.

Her husband was Ernest Scarpa, who she married in ABT 1936. The place has not been found. They had no known children.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Florence Moffa


Michael Moffa


Gaetano Moffa


Francesco Moffa


Rosa Ricci


Chelia Testa


Dominicantonio Testa


Anna Marie Fanelli


Maria Trongo



Birth22 FEB 1911
Death28 JAN 1999
Place: Vineland


Note 1

Source: Charles Delduca <dukejr3@yahoo.com> for V18, 8/2002


  1. Source: Z-036 Charles Delduca V18, 8/2002
    Source: Source: Z-036 Charles Delduca V18, 8/2002
  2. Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com
    Source: Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang. genealogy@carfang.com