Domenico DiSanto


Personal and Family Information

Domenico was born on 19 MAY 1852, the son of Nicola DiSanto and Angiola DiVincenzo. The place is not known.

He had two marriages/partners. His first wife was Maria DiPaolo, who he married on 31 DEC 1883. The place has not been found. They had no known children.

His second wife was Rachela Carfagna, who he married on 5 DEC 1889 in Lettopalena, Chieti, Italy. Their two known children were Nicola (1890-<1896) and Nicola (1897-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Domenico DiSanto


Nicola DiSanto


Domenico DiSanto


Pasquale DiSanto


Agnesa Costantino


Angiola DiVincenzo


Giuseppe DiVincenzo


Nicolandrea DiVincenzo


Maria Giuseppa Silverio


Anna Lucia DiNobile


Micchele DiNobile


Diamanta D'Angelo



Birth19 MAY 1852


  1. Source: Lettopalena Tony Carfang Research. The Lettopalena Project. 2001-2003 V23. Atti di Nascita, Atti di Martimonio, Atti di Morte. Photos of Cimiterio. Personal visits and interviews. Assited by Gene Angelcyk.
    Source: Source: Lettopalena Tony Carfang Research. The Lettopalena Project. 2001-2003 V23. Atti di Nascita, Atti di Martimonio, Atti di Morte. Photos of Cimiterio. Personal visits and interviews. Assited by Gene Angelcyk.
  2. Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang.
    Source: Source: The Abruzzo Project, Phase 1 1999-2003. Tony Carfang.