Felice Antonio Gaetano Tecca


Personal and Family Information

Felice was born on 20 APR 1802 in Pettorano sul Gizio, L'Aquila, Italy, the son of unknown parents.

His wife was Clemenza Gaetana Carrara. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their five known children were Amadio (1827-1871), Cesidio (?-?), Raffaele (1833-1833), Maria Rosaria (1836-?) and Maria Giuseppa (1843-?).


Birth20 APR 1802
Place: Pettorano sul Gizio, L'Aquila, Italy


  1. Source: Z-668 Richard Carrara carrarafamily.com V27 Nov 2021 and kathygrandma on ancestry.com
    Source: Source: Z-668 Richard Carrara carrarafamily.com V27 Nov 2021 and kathygrandma on ancestry.com